LASIK eye surgery
LASIK, also referred to as laser eye surgery, is a type of vision correction surgery that is popular and widely performed. LASIK can improve vision to significantly reduce or even eliminate your dependence on glasses and contact lenses.
At LASIK Experts, Drs. Shah and Wasserman offer advanced vision correction options at affordable prices.

How does LASIK work?
LASIK is a refractive surgery, meaning that it is performed to adjust the way light is processed by the eye, which in turn can improve vision. Many common vision errors occur because light does not filter properly through the cornea (in the front of the eye), to the retina (in the back of the eye). These refractive errors create distortion and can also lead to difficulty seeing at certain distances.
LASIK works to improve vision by changing the shape of the cornea.
What can LASIK treat ?
Laser eye surgery can be used to correct common vision problems including:



Astigmatism (near and
distance vision affected)
Benefits of LASIK
In addition to the procedure itself being quick (taking about 10 minutes to complete) and a short recovery period (our patients are typically back in action in 24 hours), benefits of LASIK include:
- Reduces or eliminates the need for glasses and contact lenses
- Long-term savings - by cutting out the regular purchase of glasses, contact lenses, or contact lens solution, little expenses that can add up over time
- Simplifies your daily routine – Life without glasses and contacts means one less thing to think about during your day

LASIK technology
at LASIK Experts
The team at LASIK Experts is committed to providing the best in laser vision correction by combining expert skill and experience with advanced technology.
Drs. Shah and Wasserman and their team offer a full range of vision correction procedures, including All-Laser LASIK, designed to treat a wide range of patients.
Contoura LASIK
Contoura LASIK is the latest FDA-approved LASIK eye surgery technology available in the U.S., offering patients a highly advanced, precise, and individualized LASIK treatment. The main difference between topography-guided LASIK and other laser eye surgery procedures is that topography-guided LASIK addresses both the shape of the eye and the surface of the cornea.
The advanced technology offers surgeons a precise, detailed mapping of a patient’s cornea, which allows for customized care for each eye of each patient. More than 22,000 unique elevation points on the cornea are analyzed which is then used to direct the laser beam to correct the minute variations of curvature at each point. The precision and accuracy of Contoura reduces the risk of visual side effects, including nighttime glare and light sensitivity.
Take the next step towards freedom
We are here to answer any questions you may have about LASIK and other vision correction procedures.